We call it the OCT Fellows Journey, inspired by the hero cycle discovered by Joseph Campbell. Our fellows take on a path of self discovery supported by local and global stories, introspective discussion, design thinking activities, and a cumulative media project driven by personal narrative.
Our City Thoughts is committed to developing forward thinking social innovators, reporters, and writers working to keep the city informed, educated, and entertained. The fellowship is not only about writing, it is also about engaging in a creative thoughtful process. A process that deepens social consciousness, entrepreneurial know how, and awareness.
We empower young people to act and be part of our communities evolving creative groups by bringing to light the innovations and ideas changing our city.
The fellowship is aimed at students interested in using tech, multimedia, and art to tell stories through OCT. Fellows get the opportunity to spend the semester contributing through content focused on community and self. The goal is to figure out the future of Miami through entrepreneurship, media, urban research and storytelling.
There will be a focus on design thinking, critical analysis, and storytelling.
We partner with professors, to bring real life experiences into the classroom - placing students into pods that work together throughout the semester supporting and co-creating stories, media, and city or self related projects.
Each student the opportunity to explore roles, including but not limited to:
- Lead Writer
- Editor
- Art/Creative
- Secondary Writer
- Production
- Structure and execute a meaningful media concept.
- Produce quality content on a weekly basis.
- Research and investigate trends in the city.
- Identify key members of the community that can further the OCT mission.
- Be expected to consistently develop community networks.
- Become active participants of the social entrepreneurship evolution in Miami.
- Inspire other young people to partake in the process.
- Passionate about Miami, city development, technology, culture, and creativity, blogging and writing
- Friendly and open minded
- Conversational
- Enthusiastic about writing
- Team player
- Tech competent
- Fast and thorough learner
- Must be able to take projects from concept to execution
- Journalism, Communications, Marketing, Public Relations, Media or Publishing majors preferred but not required
- Be able to take photographs, or willing to learn
- Should either be awesome, or close to being awesome, or have a strong desire to be awesome!
Onboarding will open with a week of immersion with influential organizations, thought leaders, and entities in Miami - directly impacting the future of our community.
More information about the program and the areas of focus are provided after college partnership is solidified.
Fellows will be assigned a lead mentor, and will have the opportunity to work with several senior staff members over the course of the program.
We will help students navigate their passions, professional goals, and career path identification. Take them through a journey that leads to grounded confidence, authentic empathy, and self awareness.
Professional and creative skill development, creation of meaningful body of work.
Create a portfolio of published work.
Learn about the trends and evolving scenes in their city, about the culture of innovation evolving. They will be versed in media tactics, content strategies, community development, and social entrepreneurship work.